Saturday, May 1, 2010

Change your Job!!

The recent hot news nowadays i am hearing in my office cabin, restroom, cafeteria, steps, office cab from most of my colleagues and my friends is Job Change. Some change seems to be really necessary and some not. If you're changing careers faster than Paris Hilton changes her boyfriends, you need to pull back the reins and realize it can be very bad for your career. Changing jobs is good if you feel your current one isn't furthering your career. But there are some blunders are made by few folks.

Changing careers only for better compensation is one of the biggest, but most tempting mistakes people make. Some people only look at the money and don't see the change from a career perspective. This is bad, because the money maybe good, but the job can be terrible! bored of this!!
Often, boredom in one field makes people decide that they need a change. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Changing careers simply because you're bored shows you're no good at your job and take no interest in it. If you don't make an effort, you'll keep getting bored and keep field hopping.

Whatever huh!!
When you leave one job without having something else in mind, you become desperate and take what you get. This often leads to being over-qualified for a particular job. If you do plan on changing fields, make sure you're organised and make a logical career jump, So keep the big picture in mind.

Beware or aware!!
When you change careers, you're so eager to leave your current job, you take up any offer from any company that looks good. Big mistake! Always take time to weigh your options and do research on the new company. Many people change jobs without doing a background check of the company and end up being unhappy.

Lack experience
If you keep changing careers you'll never get a firm footing in a particular field. This means you'll never rise above junior positions. You may get exposed to a wider atmosphere, but won't learn all the tricks of a particular field. Hence, you'll never climb the ladder. Stick to a job for at least a year. While it maybe tempting to continually job hop, make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. You'll avoid any regrets later.

Phone Ringing.....OHH!! man i got a call :)


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